Welcome to Liquid Sunshine.
A very personal window on whisky. Uisge beatha, the water of life.
We hope you enjoy the craic, that you learn something new, laugh a bit, and look forward to coming back for more.
We’re focused on scotch, not just because we’re Scottish and live in God’s own country, but because it is, quite unashamedly, the world’s favourite spirit.
We’re always happy getting a trip going, across near seas to visit our celtic cousins in Ireland, across the pond to roadtrip round the lands of bourbon and rye, or even half-way round the world to savour the delights of Asian whiskies under a monsoon sky.
So, to kick this off I’ll say Slàinte mhor a h-uile là a chi ‘s nach fhaic (great health to you every day that I see you and every day that I don’t!) and we’ll see where this takes us.
And always drink responsibly and behave well.